
Pakinson's Law

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

My brother hired someone to install software and fix his computer for him. He did not want to rush the fixer, so he gave him a week to complete a task and paid him very handsomely when he finished. I told my brother that the fixer will arrive on the last day and fix it even though he can be there any other time of the week. I was right.


Summer ABE at Cap U

Just finished the summer II term for ABE in capilano University.

ABE is Adult Basic Education. I need upgrading to get into courses that I want and decided that ABE would be best. Choose which classes to attend to and when. This gives me lots of flexibility and lets me keep my night job.

The student is in charge of the pace they want to go and when they want to do the test. I tend to take my time and understand everything perfectly before moving on so it's taking up more time than I wanted.

I also don't have enough time for homework. Well, homework is really not at the top of my agenda at this time. Sad really.

Anyway, ABE is self pace and the student needs to have their priorities straight and have lots of self control to get a high mark and finish early.

RROD procedure

My experience with the dreaded red ring of death.

I got the RROD yesterday (19/08/09) and I was not that sad. I knew it was coming. I was actually surprised that it did not come sooner. But the timing here could not be any better. The extended 3-year RROD warranty expire on 31/08/09.

But anyway, heres the summary of my experience

  • Got the RROD from playing fallout 3. Console froze and died.
  • Looked at xbox site for more info on the RROD
  • Called customer support and talked to rep. Set up account and process of sending xbox out
  • 1 hour later, I get email from microsoft about instructions on shipping the item
  • 2 hours later I get an email with the UPS label so I can send it off for free
  • Now I am about to send it off

To sum up, since taking action on getting the RROD fixed. Here are the resources used up in the process
  • net of 1.5 hours (took away the waiting time for email)
    -reading instructions
    -making box for xbox
    -out the door to the UPS
  • paper and ink
    -for printing the receipt and the package info
  • box, tape, and cutters
    -making the box to hold the xbox
This was a very easy process and I was very satisfied with service I got. Bonus for not needing my sales receipt and free shipping.